Family Guy I Dream Of Jesus Full Episode

Date Aired Family Guy Episodes; Season 1: 31 January 1999: Season 1, Episode 1: Death has a Shadow 11 April 1999.

List of Family Guy home video releases. This is a list of English language. Family Guy DVDs from regions 1, 2, and 4. Season releases. Special features include 8 audio commentary tracks, Internet promo spots, and a featurette. Also available on UMD. Volume Two. September 9, 2. This three- disc box set includes all 2.

Family Guy I Dream Of Jesus Full Episode

Season 3 (. Special features include 6 audio commentary tracks, deleted scene animatics, the un- aired Pilot animatics, and two featurettes. Also available on UMD. Volume Three. November 2.

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  • A page for describing Awesome: Family Guy. The Griffin Family Lois and Stewie's epic fight in "Lois Kills Stewie." Love her or hate her, you gotta give.

AThis three- disc box set includes the first 1. Season 4 (. Special features include 1. Volume Four. November 1. BThis three- disc box set includes the remaining 1. Season 4 (. Special features include commentary on every episode, multi- angle scene studies, deleted scenes, 3 featurettes, unrated audio, and a DVD- ROM link to exclusive content. Volume Five. September 1.

AThis two- disc box set includes the first 1. Season 5 (. Special features include commentary on every episode, 3 animatic episodes with optional commentary, deleted scenes, 2 featurettes, and unrated audio. Volume Six. October 2. B & 6. AThis three- disc set includes the remaining five episodes of Season 5 and seven episodes of Season 6 (. Special features include commentary on every episode, deleted scenes, featurettes, the original televised version of each episode, unrated audio, 3 animatic episodes with optional commentary, and the . Special features include commentaries on every episode, deleted scenes, and featurettes including footage from Comic- Con 2. Volume Eight. June 1.

B & 8. AThis three- disc set includes the remaining seven episodes of Season 7 and the first eight episodes of Season 8 (. Special features include commentaries on select episodes, deleted scenes, and karaoke musical sing- a- longs from past musical moments in the show. The Best Buy version includes Stewie Griffin: Best Bits Uncovered.

The Target version includes a Q& A with Seth Mac. Farlane and friends at Paley. Fest 2. 01. 0. Volume Nine. December 1. 3, 2. B & 9. AThis three- disc set includes the remaining eleven episodes of Season 8 and the first three episodes of Season 9 (. Special features include commentaries on select episodes, deleted scenes, side- by- side animatics, featurettes including footage from Comic- Con 2.

The Cleveland Show episode . Special features include commentaries on select episodes, deleted scenes, side- by- side animatics, and featurettes including Adam West Star Ceremony. Volume Eleven. September 2. Special features include commentaries on select episodes, deleted scenes, side- by- side animatics, and featurettes including Looking Back to the Pilot.

Volume Twelve. December 1. Special features include commentaries on select episodes, deleted scenes, side- by- side animatics, and featurettes including 2.

Episodes Later. Season Twelve. December 9, 2. 01.

Special features include commentaries on select episodes, deleted scenes, a full episode animatic for . Specials features include deleted scenes, commentaries on select episodes, The Art of Family Guy featurette and a full episode animatic for . The episodes are presented in their original production order, though the latter 7 were initially aired as part of the second broadcast season. No special features. The discs are also available separately in region 4. Season Two. January 2. August 2, 2. 00. 41.

B & 3. A 1. 5  1. MMThis two- disc set contains the remaining 1. The episodes are presented in broadcast order, followed by the previously un- aired episode .

No special features. The discs are also available separately in region 4.

Season Three. July 2. May 2, 2. 00. 52. B 1. 5  1. 5 MMThis three- disc set contains all 2.

The episodes are presented in neither broadcast, nor production order. No special features. The discs are also available separately in region 4.

Season Four. April 2. May 5, 2. 00. 61. A 1. 5  1. 5 MA1. MThis three- disc set includes the first 1.

Season 4 in broadcast order (. Special features include 1. Season Five. October 3.

November 1, 2. 00. B 1. 5  1. 5 MMThis three- disc box set includes the remaining 1. Season 4 in broadcast order (. Special features include commentary on every episode, and over 4. Season Six. October 1. October 1. 7, 2. 00.

A 1. 5  1. 5 MA1. MThis three- disc box set includes the first 1. Season 5 in broadcast order (.

Special features include commentary on every episode, 3 animatic episodes with optional commentary, deleted scenes, and 2 featurettes. Season Seven. November 1. Special features include commentary on every episode, deleted scenes, featurettes, the original televised version of each episode, 3 animatic episodes with optional commentary, and the . Special features include commentaries on every episode, deleted scenes, and featurettes including footage from Comic Con 2. Special features include commentaries on every episode, deleted scenes, and two featurettes: . Commentary on six episodes, deleted scenes, animatics, three featurettes and the American Dad! Excluding It's a Trap!

The special features are animatics for the episodes . It also contains deleted scenes, 2. Also available as a special edition featuring alternative cover art with a bonus T- shirt and script from the season. Season Twelve. November 4, 2. A special DVD cover is available within the UK, and there is also a special edition exclusive to HMV that contains a T- shirt and a script of the episode .

JB Hi- Fi has also released a limited special edition in Australia and New Zealand, which includes the DVD and a T- shirt, labeled as a . A special DVD Cover from JB Hi- Fi is available aside the standard DVD cover. Special features include 2. Episodes Later, 2. Episode Table Read, Commentary by Series Writers, Directors, Producers and Cast Members on Selected Episodes, Deleted Scenes and many more. Season Fourteen. November 1.

Special features include an unrated audio track, full- length commentary by cast and crew, animatic comparisons, and previews for Family Guy and American Dad! Also available on UMD. Blue Harvest. January 1.

January 2. 1, 2. 00. February 8, 2. 00.

MA1. 5+MThis is the special hour- long Star Wars parody season six premiere, featuring extended scenes and an unrated audio track. Special features include a full- length commentary, an interview with Seth Mac. Farlane and George Lucas, an . Exclusive to the special edition release are an exclusive brochure, collectable packaging, 3- D glasses and footage, a themed T- shirt and trading cards. Easter eggs include table reads and a teaser trailer for Something, Something, Something, Dark Side. Also included is an extra DVD with a digital copy.

This release received a 1. BBFC due to the bonus featurette and the audio commentary track, but the episode itself was only rated 1. UMD release. Special features include a pop- up video, a featurette, the animatics of the episode, deleted scenes, and a sneak peek of It's a Trap! This is also the first Family Guy episode/special to be released on High Definition Blu- ray.

Also available on Blu- ray. Partial Terms of Endearment. September 2. 8, 2. Special features include a commentary track, animatic, table read and deleted scenes from the episode, plus . To date, the episode is available in region 1 only on this disc, but was included on the region 2/4 Season Ten sets. Watch American Muscle Online Freeform. Compilations. The set includes new commentaries and previews for Family Guy Season 4 and American Dad! Also available on UMD.

Live in Vegas. April 2. May 2. 5, 2. 00. 5! Volume 1, with features relating to Family Guy Volume Three. It includes 2. 4 never- before- released deleted scenes, an inside- the- recording- booth featurette, guest star interviews, and storyboards for the episode .

It features 1. 4 uncensored episodes, all with audio commentaries. Also included are 2. Fox Network promos and 4 featurettes. Happy Freakin' Christmasn/a. October 1. 6, 2. 00. December 6, 2. 00. MThis is a two- episode DVD with festive- themed episodes.

It contains the episodes . It has one special feature: a 7- minute clip show entitled !