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Iraqi Combatant and Noncombatant Fatalities in the 1. Gulf War. E mail This Article. DZ09-Smart-Watch-all-smartphone-Support-brand-new-20170329141413.jpg' alt='Watch Unlike U HDQ' title='Watch Unlike U HDQ' />Tag This Article del. Print . pdf format. Translate Carl Conetta. Project on Defense Alternatives Research Monograph 8. October 2. 00. 3Appendix 2 Iraqi Combatant and Noncombatant. Fatalities in the 1. Gulf War. We accept 3,6. Iraqi. civilians killed in the 1. Gulf War. Regarding military personnel, we. The estimate for civilian deaths is based on a study conducted by Beth. South Park Best Episodes Download more. Osborne Daponte, a former Census Bureau analyst and currently a senior. Carnegie Mellon University Daponte 1. With regard. to civilian casualties directly attributable to the war, the study builds. Humans Rights Watch shortly after the. HRW 1. 99. 1. The HRW estimate of 2,5. Iraqi civilians killed. From this source Daponte compiled a. Subsequently. she checked this on a province by province basis against the official Iraqi. Overall it appeared that. Iraqi government had undercounted the civilian death toll, although. In some governorates provinces, the official. Daponte added the excess cases. The combined total was 3,6. Turning to Iraqi military casualties in the 1. Please take a look at these articles. Oculus Project Santa Cruz VR Prototype Handson Impressions A Technological Marvel. Watch The Giant Robot Superfight On Twitch. Gulf War we conclude. These resolve into several. Estimates for the casualties imposed by coalition air power on Iraqi. According to a new story from The Hill, which interviewed more than a dozen Democrats in recent days, some of Hillary Clintons biggest supporters want her to. Iraqi officers, which found average unit losses of 2. Aspin and. Dickinson 1. Keaney and Eliot Cohen 1. Gordon and Trainor 1. Using 3. 60,0. 00 as a baseline for the number of Iraqi troops. Iraqi field troops. AspinDickinson. report suggests. Apart from field units, however, air power also struck at numerous other. Iraq, and command and control facilities. All told, more than. Almost one third of these targets were airfields and these absorbed. Also. numerous were small air defense installations. How many casualties this. Attacks on airfields, per se. Return. visits to sites already bombed may have produced none. However, the sites. Here, we assume an average number of fatalities per target ranging between. During the war Iraq lost 4. It also lost approximately 6. We conservatively assume that less than 1. Losses of air. defense personnel and of other air force and navy personnel at bases are. We conclude that between 8,0. Gulf War Air Power Survey concluded that. Keany. and Cohen, GWAPS, 1. Our estimate of Iraqi casualties in the ground war comprises several. As many as 2. 50 Iraqis were killed in probing attacks and artillery exchanges. More than 2. 00 were killed in the 2. January 1 February Battle of Kafji. Iraqi brigades. Between 8. Between 8. 00 and 1,0. February highway of death. Appendix to this report. Rumaila oilfields and. USMC and Army XVIII and VII corps in conjunction. Ground operations conducted between 2. February included 8 substantial. US coalition forces and Iraqi units of battalion size or. Press 2. 00. 1 Biddle 1. Numerous smaller. With regard to these battles and engagements. Watch The Snow Walker Online Ibtimes. Iraqi personnel losses are based on data from several. US Army and independent. Iraqi units engaged, the extent of equipment destruction. US commanders. and Iraqi POWs recorded in US military historical documents. A careful. and detailed Army reconstruction of the Battle of 7. Easting, for instance. Iraqis had been killed in an engagement between a battalion sized. US unit and a brigade sized Iraqi one Biddle 1. Burns 1. 99. 1. Also. Iraqi forces were relatively. Some of these. artillery deaths between 1,0. Among the estimates made above, several may be controversial. Previous. estimates of the numbers killed in the highway of death incidents outside. Kuwait City range from 2. Our choice of 8. 00 1. Also controversial are estimates. Iraqis buried alive by bulldozers of the US 1st. Infantry Division during breeching operations on the first day of the Gulf. War. Previous estimates range from less than 1. By contrast. we have accepted 2. The higher end estimates for the numbers of Iraqi combatants buried. I know. The commander of the other brigade made different estimates. The division commander, Maj. Gen. Thomas Rhames, told a press conference that as many as 4. Significantly, none of the officers interviewed seemed especially. However, a captain who ordered part of the. Zmirak 2. 00. 2. A similarly distraught sargent. Berstein 2. 00. 1. A classified secret log made by division officers at the time of the. Gordon and. Trainor 1. The log also stated that the division. British division. Some Iraqis were able to flee the area a significant fact in itself. OKane 1. 99. 5. One Iraqi who did retreat and witness the bulldozing from. As we will see, the. Iraqis numerical estimate might actually have reflected the total number. Iraqi troops still alive and present in the area when the assault began. The Iraqi also claimed that the plows cut down some troops who had exited. As is made clear in an interview. OKane 1. 99. 5. High end estimates often also make reference to the fact that the authorized. Iraqi unit under attack the 2. Infantry Division. Iraqis had surrendered some from neighboring. However, few if any Iraqi units in the theater actually deployed. The average deployed strength of Iraqi ground units in the theater was. Aspin and Dickinson 1. In some cases. desertions were as high as 5. Those personnel injured by air power comprised as much as 1. Those Iraqi units in trench lines along the Saudi border were among. At the time of the ground. Iraqi 2. 6th division was judged by CENTCOM to have. At any rate, on the eve of the. These factors combine to make it unlikely that there were more than. Iraqi 2. 6th. Division when the breeching operation began. Subsequently, more than 5. Some number. also escaped the area. Also, it would have been unlikely that more than. Others would have been fulfilling vital functions. These considerations support the hypothesis. Some of these Iraqis would have been in fighting shape others dazed. Due to. fear of chemical attack and the demanding pace of the planned offensive. US 1st Division did not make loudspeaker appeals for surrender. Low end estimates of the numbers buried alive derive from an Iraqi report. October 1. 99. 1 AP, October. Although this number subsequently echoed for years in the US media. PBS 1. 99. 6, Heidenrich 1. Iraqis had. claimed to find more bodies by the end of 1. Xinhua. 1. 99. 1. Some of these probably came from other sites, however AP. November 1. 99. 1. The official Iraqi version today is that hundreds were. US 1st Division breeching operation, and. Iraqi docudrama about the event BBC. AFP 2. 00. 0. Most of the informed estimates of the numbers buried alive during the.