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Watch TV Shows Online. Magadheera 2. Hindi Drama, Action, Thriller. Duration 1 5. 4 5. The movie story deals with Arundhati the great granddaughter of the Raja of Gadwal, Mahasamsthan. Arrangements are being made for her marriage. Arundhati is the first female to be born since her great great grandmother and is especially revered in the family. Her grandfather, the head of the family, talks to her with respect as if she were older than him. She receives a misleading phone call in her fiance Rahuls voice asking her to come to the fort of Gadwal, where she faces a horrible revelation. Learning the story from an aged servant maid, Chandramma, Arundhati comes to know that she is a look alike of her great grandmother Jejjamma. Jejjama is an expert in painting, dancing and martial arts. Her elder sister is married to her cousin Pasupathi. Pasupathi, a womanizer, rapes the women he likes and kills those who object. While Jejjama was still a young girl, he raped and killed her blind dance teacher while a horrified Jejjama watched through the peephole. Jejjama, furious, demands that he be killed but the King tells her that this would ruin her sisters life. Hearing this, Jejjammas sister commits suicide. The people of Gadwal furiously thrash Pasupathi and tie him to his horse. Though Gadwal celebrates his death, he is saved by Aghoras. Pasupathi masters the Tantric arts and returns to Gadwal many years later to exact his revenge. He unleashes carnage as he uses his powers to torture innocent people something the Aghoras dont do. He arrives on Jejjamas marriage day and magically starts removing her clothes but Jejjama seduces him and performs a special dance imbued with martial arts to lull Pasupathi. She then cuts off his tongue and pins his hands, allowing a chandalier to fall on his body. She spares him from being killed to prevent him from becoming a pretatma. Watch Suite Francaise Tube Free here. Pasupathi is buried alive in a tomb and powerful yantras are put on it to prevent him from coming out. Jejjama goes to the Aghories for help. They say she cannot kill Pasupathi now she must be reborn again. She sacrifices her own life and before she dies, tells her son that she will be reborn as the first daughter in the family. This is the reason that Arundhathis grandfather always treats her with respect. The queen dies and her relics are fashioned into a dagger, the one weapon that could destroy Pasupathi forever. A worker in a trance unknowingly breaks the tomb and releases the pretatma. Anwar who treats patients through sorcery tells her asks her to fight Pasupathi. Arundhati comes to know that her great grandmother had prepared a weapon with her own bones and had kept it with the sages. Pasupathi stabs Arundhati and she goes to Anwars palace after recovering. While they procure the weapon, Anwar falls off a cliff. Arundhati, believing that Anwar is dead, returns to the fort to surrender herself to Pasupathi to prevent the death of her family members. Anwar, who survives the fall, hands the weapon to Arundhati. The weapon has to be soaked in Arundhathis blood before it can be used. Before Anwar can tell her this, Pasupathi kills him. As a last resort to save herself, Arundhati tries to kill herself with the same weapon. The dagger glows from her blood showing that Jejjamma had come. She kills Pasupathi and the building sets fire and blasts. Then Arundhati is shown walking out of the place as Jejjamma.